
Kamatsile in Tagalog, Damurtis in Ilocos, Kamatsoli in Bicol, Kamantiles in Pangasinan, Kamonsil in Ilo-ilo, Makhamtet in Thailand…..

Kamatsile contains ascorbic acid, enzymes, bioflavonoids, rich in minerals like chromium, potassium, and magnesium etc., as well as B vitamins to amino acids.

Kamatsile is Madras Thorn Fruit in English; having the scientific name Pithecellobium Dulce. It is native to Central and Northern South America, and was introduced to the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. The Spaniards call it guamachil or guamúchil.

In Pangasinan there’s even a song for it. “kamantiles kurampit, tambal na baon kapit, kamantiles bunaknak, tambal na kapananak, no sikay maantol, kamatiles ya tampol” Bastos ya balet pero okay so rhyme to may nangawa yan lyrics. he-he-he loko ra yan Pangasinense.

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